Outdoor Experiential Learning

Visit “Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens”
Grade Level: K3

•  Enhance children’s understanding of animals and plants by visiting the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, learning about different types of animals such as black-faced spoonbills, red-eared turtles, Borneo orangutans, etc., so that children can understand the living characteristics of animals through personal observation . In addition, children can cultivate their love for animals, plants and the natural environment through this visit.

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Visit “The Hong Kong Children’s Discovery Museum”
Grade Level: K2

•  Cooperate the theme of “The Big Black Monster is Missing”, children are allowed to freely explore different areas in the Hong Kong Children’s Discovery Museum, such as “Land And Sea Play”, “Interactive Exploration Area”, “Source Of Water, “Creative Studio”, “Construction Area”, etc., and experience it personally during play while learning, children can enjoy the game from multiple angles.

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Visit “Yiu Tung Estate Playground”
Grade Level: K1

•  By visiting the Yiu Tung Estate Playground, children can learn about the different game facilities in the playground and the safety precautions when playing. Teachers also lead children to play different competitive games to enhance cooperation among children.

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Visit “Quarry Bay Park and Pet Sharing Park”
Grade Level: K2

•   By visiting Quarry Bay Park, children can learn about the different game facilities and symbols in the park. Teachers also lead children to participate in different group games to enhance cooperation among children. During the visit to the Pet Sharing Park, children performed a ” finding facilities” small task to match the theme “I Want to Raise a Puppy” and at the same time, this allowed the children to understand the facilities and uses of the Pet Sharing Park.

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Visit “Aldrich Bay Park”
Grade Level: K1

•   By visiting Aldrich Bay Park, children can learn about the park’s environment and various facilities. As Matching the theme “Be careful, little ball!”, teachers also lead children to play different group games in the park to enhance cooperation among children.

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Visit “The Hong Kong Science Museum”
Grade Level: K3

•   By visiting the Hong Kong Science Museum, children can actively operate various facilities and ask various questions to teachers, explore scientific principles through games, learn scientific knowledge, improve observation and train logical thinking abilities during experiments.

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